students for students

Join the largest Medical Students Community in Italy.

Our story

Testbusters was founded in 2011 in Milan, Italy, by two friends attending their third year of Dentistry University.

Thinking about their preparation for the admission test, they decided to challenge their teaching abilities by helping their high school friends.

Enthusiasm and determination were the keys to create a small preparation course for Medical school admission tests.

The two soon realised that their success was the age similarity with their students.

Moreover, they could truly understand their anxieties and frustrations and empathise with them.

Studying for the medical admission test is an experience that goes beyond the exam, involving the ability to manage resources and emotions.

This is the main reason why, in Testbusters, we invest most of our energies in the student-teacher relationship.

The enthusiasm of all Testbusters members (more and more numerous) and our courses’ effectiveness allowed us to initiate new projects: orientation days for high school students, new courses and resources.

We are the largest Medical Students Community in Italy

As of today, we are 500 teachers spread across 35 Italian cities. Most of us are still in school, and a few are freshly graduated doctors and dentists.

Our motto is “students for students”. Thus, all our activities are carried out by medical students.

We aim at creating a stimulating environment where everyone can learn, grow and get involved.

Testbusters IMAT Prep School

The broad experience we have gained in the past ten years has motivated us to launch this new international project. We are national leaders in preparation for admission tests to medical universities in Italy.

Our mother-tongue teachers are IMAT experts. The high-quality teaching and our peer-to-peer approach, tailored for international students, will allow you to nail IMAT.

That is how Testbusters IMAT Prep School was born and why you will love to entrust us with your preparation!

Would you like to prepare for the International Medical Admission Test (IMAT) with us?

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